Family photo holding up car keys

Approved Auto Repair Customer Satisfaction Survey

We need your opinion - please respond today!

AAA Approved Auto Repair facilities seek to gain your confidence - to put you at ease in bringing your car in again when you need maintenance services or repairs. The facilities stand behind the work just performed on your car.

AAA and its facilities solicit your objective appraisal of each facility's performance. It is only through continuous feedback such as this, that we can evaluate what was experienced by you, the motorist. It is vitally important that you complete the form, below; the more information we receive, the more successful our efforts will be in determining how well each facility is fulfilling the needs of its customers. We need your assistance.


Customer Information


Facility Service Evaluation

Overall, How Satisfied Were You With The Repair Facility/Experience?
How Satisfied Were You With The Repair Facility In Each Of The Following Areas?
Clear explanation of charges and work performed
Vehicle ready when promised
Quality of work performed
Cleanliness of facility
Based On Your Recent Experience At This Facility, How Likely Are You To Recommend This Repair Facility To Friends Or Family? (1 Not Likely - 10 Extremely Likely)
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
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