Safety Patrol

With you on the Road of Life
A proud tradition since 1920, the AAA School Safety Patrol™ Program has helped equip patrollers with the skills and resources needed to ensure children walk to and from school safely. The patroller duties are a valuable contribution to the major reduction in pedestrian fatalities and injuries. This AAA-led effort has directly contributed to the steady decline of U.S. student pedestrian (ages 5–14) deaths — a 24% decrease since 2010.
The AAA School Safety Patrol™ is the world’s largest safety program in the world with 679,000 patrollers participating in 35,000 schools across the country. These dedicated young men and women begin and end each school day at their post to ensure their fellow classmates get to and from school safely. Through AAA's continued support, the program has flourished, arming students with a sense of responsibility, leadership, and safety. To expand upon this success, AAA makes available the tools required to train patrols, keep them safe and recognize their achievements.
Click here to view 20 minute detailed video, "At Your Post".
*This is for any school that would like to start a new AAA School Safety Patrol. Must be located in Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Mifflin, and Perry counties. If you live in another area, click here to find the appropriate AAA site.
To get started, you may order belts, badges, and publications at no charge to your school on the Equipment Order form at the bottom of this webpage. We kindly ask that patrols reuse the equipment each school year to help keep costs down. AAA also provides lapel pins and certificates at no charge, that schools may reward to the safety patrol at the end of the school year once equipment is returned.
For more information about the AAA School Safety Patrol Program, visit this web site or contact Doni Lee Spiegel at
Equipment Order Form
Request your free Belts, Badges and Publications.
Awards Order Form
Request your free Certificates and Lapel Pins to hand out a tthe end of the school year when student return their belts and badges.
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) has posted guidance to assist school districts in decision-making. The guidance in this document is offered to AAA School Safety Patrol program sponsors in schools that have been officially designated as safe to reopen. All guidance is based on CDC recommendations. Schools and school program sponsors should always follow the advice of state and local public health officials. To download the document, click here.

2024 AAA School Safety Patrol Banner Competition
Each year, AAA Central Penn invites all the AAA School Safety Patrols in the region to join us for day of fun at the circus on us! March 22, AAA recognized over 280 Safety Patrol students form ten Central Pennsylvania elementary schools at the Zembo Shrine Circus in Harrisburg. That was a special show as AAA opened the circus with a parade featuring safety patrol students from each school displaying banners they created representing their patrol.
The winner of the 2024 AAA School Safety Patrol Banner Competition is Newville Elementary of Big Spring School District. The patrol will be awarded with a special in-school celebration!