AAA Travel is closed on March 26th, for ELEVATE. We will spend the day sharpening our skills to bring you the very best travel experiences.

Mature Drivers

Mature Drivers Training

Driving gives older adults independence, allowing them to come and go as they please. You want to stay on the road as long as possible. As you age, you need to remain sharp on the roads, and taking a refresher class that emphasizes good driving habits and highlights skill sets you may not have developed previously can make you a more confident, responsible driver. Our AAA mature driver training courses are designed with those over age 55 in mind. 

A refresher course can assist you with everything from perfecting your parallel parking skills to understanding the new technology in current vehicles, which looks much different from the cars you learned to drive in. You can also learn about laws regarding cellphone usage in Pennsylvania to ensure you don't violate them. Additionally, we cover useful information such as what impact medications can have on your ability to operate a vehicle. 

Enrolling in a refresher course will help you navigate the roads more successfully and show your family you are dedicated to being a safe driver. You can enjoy many more trips with your grandchildren throughout these golden years when you complete our AAA senior driving course. 

Mature Operator Classroom/In-Car Lessons

As we age, changes in our strength, mobility and flexibility; vision and scanning skills make us less comfortable and less in-control behind the wheel. To help maturing drivers tune up their driving skills and refresh their knowledge of the rules of the road, AAA Central Penn offers Mature Operator Classes to provide practical guidance for drivers age 55 and over.  

Mature Operator Online

AAA Central Penn is pleased to offer an online alternative to our 55+ Mature Operator classes. While our classroom sessions still offer the best, interactive learning experience, if you do not live within a convenient distance from a class location, or you can't find a class date and time that fits your busy schedule, you can now choose the appropriate online course.

The Benefits of AAA Senior Driver Training

When you take our training, you learn new things and gain the skills you need to drive safely, putting your family at ease. The many benefits of taking a course for mature drivers include: 

  • Discounts on insurance: Many insurance companies lower your premiums if you take a senior driver class. 
  • Lower risk of committing a traffic violation: Not knowing the law is no excuse for breaking it. By taking a refresher on driver regulations, you can receive updates on new guidelines and feel confident about avoiding a ticket. 
  • Improved defensive driving knowledge: With more people using their cellphones while driving, distracted driving has become a serious problem. You can learn ways to drive defensively and protect yourself when someone else isn't paying attention. 

Sign Up for Mature Driver Training Today

Taking AAA mature driver training courses can enhance your proficiency and improve your confidence on the road. Your family will appreciate your efforts to keep your driving sharp. Learn more about your options and sign up for our AAA mature driver training today. 

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