Did you know that people dump over a billion tons of waste on the planet every year? Learning how to be sustainable while traveling can help you see the world while offsetting your carbon footprint and maybe even leaving the places you visit a little bit better than you found them. 

What to Pack for Eco-Friendly Travel

Mastering how to travel sustainably starts long before you board the plane. When packing for a trip, it's important to remember to only take what you need and consider how certain items may affect the environment in the long run. 

Choose Zero-Waste and Versatile Items

Carry reusable items so that you don't end up throwing away things like empty travel-size tubes, which contribute to the global waste problem, especially with plastic and non-degradable materials. Here are some examples of reusable or versatile items to take with you: 

  • Reusable cutlery and crockery 
  • BPA-free water bottle 
  • Reusable shopping bags 
  • Shampoo bar 
  • Coconut or castor oil 
  • Hand wash garments 

Pick Environmentally Friendly Cosmetics

Cosmetics and skincare products, like sunscreens with oxybenzone and octinoxate, have a detrimental impact on coral reefs. When you wear them and go into the ocean, they wash away from your skin and affect marine life. It's not just sunscreens that are the culprits. DEET, a common ingredient in bug repellents, is toxic to birds, fish and aquatic invertebrates. 

Many makeup products also contain toxic chemicals that pose a risk to wildlife. Animals may get trapped in discarded packaging or mistake it for food. Common makeup ingredients like plastics, parabens and cadmium don't break down easily in landfills, leading to an accumulation of waste that could contaminate soil and water sources. 

There are many environmentally friendly skincare and cosmetic products that produce no waste or use biodegradable ingredients and packaging. 

Shop Thrift Wear

An important part of environmentally friendly travel is avoiding buying too much stuff just for the trip. It's okay to treat yourself to something nice and make your vacation exciting, but try to buy secondhand items where possible — you'd be surprised by the outfits you could put together with thrift items. 

Where to Go for the Least Carbon Footprint

Where to Go for the Least Carbon Footprint

When it comes to eco-friendly travel, you want to steer clear of most hotspot tourist locations. For starters they're packed with people trying to get the same picture, you'll have to stand in long ques and they almost never look the same as they do on social media. Overtourism can wreak havoc on the environment and the locals. For example, Maya Bay in Thailand, which was made famous by the Leonardo DiCaprio movie “The Beach,” has been experiencing degradation of the coral reefs because of excessive snorkeling, diving and human contact with the corals. 

For the ultimate green travel experience, venture off the beaten path and visit places that aren't burdened by over-tourism. You could visit eco-tourism destinations like Costa Rica and Colombia for a sustainable trip that's gentle on the environment but still exciting and rewarding. Better yet, book a vacation package in your country or travel locally to reduce carbon emissions and see the beauty of your home. 

Consider Greener Transportation Options

One of the best ways to be sustainable while traveling is to learn how to offset the carbon footprint of your transportation methods. While flying is sometimes unavoidable, you can make greener choices as you traverse a new location.

One activity that every green travel guide mentions is cycling, so why not? It's fun, keeps you fit and is an environmentally friendly way to get around. You can also look at public transportation like buses, trains and trolleys. If that's not an option, consider renting a hybrid or electric vehicle to reduce your dependency on fuel. 

If you're driving, draw up a plan to compensate for those inevitable greenhouse gas emissions. Perhaps you can turn the heat off in your hotel room or donate to a sustainable energy project. Be sure to get emergency roadside assistance so you're protected in the event of a breakdown.

Sustainable Activities to Do While Traveling

Whether you're going on a family trip or setting out on a solo adventure, it's important to know which activities benefit the environment so you can give back to the communities you visit and reduce your carbon emissions. 

Go to Parks and Protected Areas

Prioritize national parks, sanctuaries, nature reserves and other protected areas. These establishments play a pivotal role in protecting and preserving natural resources and biodiversity. The money you spend at these places allows them to house protected animals, help the environment and preserve a piece of nature for future generations.

Many parks and protected areas rely on tourism to cover their costs and staff fees. They provide income for the local community and give you a feel for the natural beauty of a place. 

Support Local Businesses 

Local businesses don't typically create a large negative impact on the environment because they use locally sourced goods that have lower carbon emissions. Plus, supporting small businesses means you're giving back to the place you're visiting. 

Cooking classes are one popular local activity to try. They use locally sourced produce, which prevents wastage, and you learn new dishes. 

Where to Stay for a Green Travel Retreat

Our final sustainable travel tip is about choosing a place to stay that reflects your eco-values. While some accommodations may claim to be green, the reality is many establishments simply label themselves as such without implementing any procedures to follow through with it. Here are some questions you should ask yourself to decide if it is, in fact, a green company: 

  • Does the company have specific energy and water conservation practices?
  • Do they hire locals and promote diversity and inclusion?
  • Are they involved in or funding any community initiatives? 
  • Have they removed all single-use plastics? 
  • Do they prioritize local produce and contractors? 
  • Do they carry out responsible wildlife interactions? 

When traveling domestically, look for Green Seal or LEED-certified establishments. Outside of America, look for Green Globe, Greem Tourism Business Scheme, Earth Check and other country-specific green certifications. 

Some of the environmentally friendly features you might find at these green establishments include: 

  • Flow-restrictive shower heads 
  • Energy-efficient lighting 
  • Hybrid parking 
  • Bicycle rentals or a shuttle 
  • Organic and local bath products
  • Low-water linen washing 
  • Local fresh produce and dishes 
  • Low-flow toilets 
Book Your Travel Now

Book Your Travel Now

Are you looking for the ultimate adventure while still being an eco-warrior? You can book your travel now with AAA and enjoy domestic discoveries with everything from football game trips to wine tasting. Work with a AAA travel center and let us help you plan your next getaway with our pre-planned packages suitable for every type of traveler. Our agents have experience planning excursions all around the globe, so we know how to plan a trip that'll make your travel dreams come true. 

If you have any questions, need advice or are ready to book, chat with a travel advisor today. 

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