Your car battery does all the work when starting your car. Putting your key in the ignition and trying to turn over the engine sends a signal to the battery that kickstarts a chemical reaction. The chemical response converts into electrical energy, which helps start the motor and gets the engine running.
A bad battery can make this reaction challenging, and a dead battery won't let this reaction happen at all. If you're having issues turning on your car, it might signal that your battery has reached the end of its life span, and you need a replacement.
When Should You Replace Your Battery?
Your car battery life span depends on how long it can hold a charge and if you can recharge it. Once the battery isn't capable of being recharged, it's reached the end of its life. If you're always driving in ideal conditions, including little to no humidity and no extreme temperatures, your car battery will likely last longer before needing a replacement.
Your vehicle and its condition also determine how soon you may need to replace your battery. A car battery can last up to five years or so, depending on its condition, but you should implement regular checks after the three-year mark.
Review common signs that you need a new car battery to help you determine when it's time to make the replacement.
1. Your Engine Is Slow to Start
As time passes, the components in your battery wear out and become less effective. As a result, it can take longer for your battery to provide an adequate charge for the starter, and you'll have to wait a few extra seconds before the engine turns over, and your car starts. A slow engine start usually indicates your battery is dying.
You don't want to wait until your battery dies before replacing it since it can leave you stranded with a car that won't start. If you notice your engine starting slowly or hear a clicking sound when you try to turn it over, place a road service call with AAA for battery service or contact your closest AAR repair facility.
2. You Experience Poor Performance in Extreme Weather
Generally, car batteries don't perform as well in cold temperatures. People living in cold regions must pay closer attention to their batteries in the winter. Your car battery can freeze depending on how low the temperatures get in your area.
As chemical reactions slow in cold conditions, your vehicle will demand the maximum current from your battery to account for slow-moving engine oil. In these conditions, it's easier to quickly drain the life out of your car battery since it takes significantly more power to start the engine. If you notice poor vehicle performance in the cold, it could signal that your car battery is weakening and may need a replacement soon.
3. You Notice Lighting Issues
Dim lights are another sign that you might need a new car battery. If you notice your headlights or interior lights are dimmer than usual, it's likely because your car battery is failing.
A failing car battery can't power your car's electrical components to the usual extent, so weak lights, especially when turning over your engine, could indicate a battery problem. Dim or unusual performance from your car lights can become a hazard on the road, so it's essential to have them checked immediately.
4. You Have Electrical Issues
Your car battery powers the electrical components in your vehicle, such as the locks, windows and radio. If you notice issues with these components, such as unresponsive locks or windows, it could indicate that your car battery is weak and can't power your electrical components as usual. You can test your electrical elements to determine if there are any issues.
If you notice electrical issues with your car, you must visit your local mechanic for a battery replacement. You should also consider how many electrical components you're powering versus how recently you've had your battery replaced. The more power the car uses, the sooner the battery will weaken and die.
5. Your Check Engine Light Is On
Keep an eye on your dashboard for the check engine light. Even if you don't notice any obvious problem with your car, the check engine light can help you identify issues that aren't causing apparent issues. The check engine light can help identify problems with the battery of the vehicle computer. The light could mean the battery is weak or worn or that the alternator can't return a charge to the battery.
If you notice this light turn on, take your car to an AAR repair facility to determine the root cause of the issue. An expert can test the battery to ensure it's working at total capacity.
6. You Smell Something Strange
A damaged battery can cause the battery to leak gas. If you check under the hood and it smells like sulfur or rotting eggs, a bad battery could be the cause. Take your car to get checked by an AAR repair facility or call our AAA road service as soon as possible. A professional can tell you if you need to replace your battery and what step to take next.
Leaving this untreated can cause damage or corrosion to other parts of your vehicle, creating hazards and an expensive repair. While strange smells aren't the most common indicators that something is wrong with your battery, you should still take it to your local AAR facility as soon as possible.
7. You Have Corroded Connectors
Sometimes you can tell if you have a battery issue by looking at it. If you pop the hood and notice an ashy substance on the battery connectors or the metal components in the area, it's a surefire sign you have a corrosion problem.
Corroded positive and negative connections on the battery can create voltage issues, making it more challenging to start your vehicle. If you notice corrosion on your battery, take your car to your local AAR facility to replace the battery or place a road service call with AAA.
8. Your Battery Case Is Misshapen
Exposure to extreme heat can significantly impact the battery's life span, causing it to crack and swell. If you check under the hood and notice your battery looks anything but rectangular, it likely isn't working as it should. If you live in an area with extreme heat, you should check your battery regularly to determine if it's damaged. Once you notice an odd shape, take the vehicle in for a professional's opinion.
Keep Your Car in Top Shape With AAA
Keeping your car functional is essential to help you get to work, take trips, go shopping and fulfill your other needs. If your car battery doesn't work correctly, it can cause unnecessary delays while you find a replacement. AAA can help you rest easy with our 24/7 roadside assistance for our members.
Our members gain access to free battery testing and towing to help you get back on the road as soon as possible. You can also visit one of our approved auto repair locations or place a AAA road service call to get a battery replacement to keep your car in good condition. You can choose from one of our three membership levels to find a plan that works for you and your family. Learn more about our membership benefits or sign up to become a member today!