Most gas is stored in the same place before it's purchased by large gasoline companies. From there, the different companies add their own signature additives to offer extra benefits to their customers and set them apart from the competition. This means you'll be getting a different level of gas quality depending on where you go.
While gas may differ from station to station, all gas must meet the federal law standard. As a result of the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates fuel and fuel additives as well as the emissions from the use of these fuels. However, gas that meets the minimum law requirements may not always do the best job of keeping your engine clean and working as smoothly as it can.
So, what's the solution? Start buying Top Tier gas. Top Tier gas is far superior to non-Top Tier gas, and your engine will last much longer with it. Learn more about Top Tier gas in this article and see why it's so beneficial.
What Is the Best Gas to Put in Your Car?
When you go to the gas station, you'll usually have a choice between three types or grades of gas — regular, mid-grade and premium. The difference between these grades is their octane rating, which is how much it needs to be compressed before it ignites in your engine. The octane ratings for the three grades are:
- Regular gas has the lowest level of octane with a rating of 87.
- Midgrade gas has a rating between 89-90.
- Premium gas comes with the highest level of octane with a rating between 91-94.
Your vehicle's manual will indicate which grade of gas you should use. For cars designed to use regular gas, putting premium gas in the tank will not result in better performance — you'll just have a higher bill at the pump. However, cars that take premium should not use regular gas as it can have potentially negative impacts on the engine.
Gas with detergent fuel addictives — a special cleaning agent for fuel — is called detergent gasoline. According to the law, gas must have a certain amount of detergent in it to prevent carbon deposits. A build-up of carbon can cause various issues, including:
- Rough engine idle
- Problems with acceleration
- Reduced fuel economy
- Increased emissions
- Knocking or rattling sounds
Adding detergent to gas cleans it by removing the carbon deposits and preventing a build-up. While all gas has detergent by law, researchers discovered that government-standard gasoline wasn't doing a great job of cleaning engines.
What Is Top Tier Gas?

In 2004, the development of Top Tier gas brought a new type of gas to market to help drivers protect and improve their engines. Top Tier represents a new standard for fuel detergent and is sponsored by some of the biggest names in the auto industry, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Toyota and more. It has strict requirements and specifications for fuel brands to meet before they receive the Top Tier label.
The goal of the Top Tier standard is to promote better fuel quality and give consumers more peace of mind. It does this by minimizing engine deposits that cause common performance issues. If you spot the Top Tier gas label at your station, you know you're getting gas that preserves your engine's performance better than any other kind.
The Benefits of Top Tier Gas
According to a study by AAA, Top Tier gas is absolutely worth the extra price at the pump because of its many benefits. When gas brands pass Top Tier's rigorous testing process and receive their certification, you can rely on it to offer:
- A cleaner engine: Studies show that non-Top Tier gas use results in 19 times more carbon in engine injectors, intake valves and combustion chambers than with Top Tier gas.
- Less carbon damage: Top Tier gas can reduce carbon deposits by up to 72%. With less carbon clogging up engine components, you'll see less carbon-related damage.
- Better fuel economy: Over time, most engines lose fuel economy. This is due to wear and tear, which is accelerated by carbon deposits. When you use Top Tier fuel, your engine will retain its fuel efficiency for longer.
- Improved performance: Without carbon clogging up engine components, they have less friction and resistance, allowing them to work smoothly. This reduces many engine issues resulting from carbon build-up and improves its overall performance.
- Less maintenance: When your engine is cleaner and performs better, there is less chance of costly damage occurring, which means you won't have to pay for as many repairs.
The Drawbacks of Top Tier Gas
Despite all its benefits, plenty of consumers understandably forgo Top Tier gas based on price alone. Top Tier gas comes with a higher cost per gallon, but it's important to weigh the cost against the benefits for your engine. If you can afford it, Top Tier gas is always the best choice. You may even find discounts for Top Tier gas by looking around.
The other problem is that not every gas station carries Top Tier gas. To see where to buy Top Tier gas near you, take a look at Top Tier's list of certified fuel stations. If you see the Top Tier logo on the pump, you're in the right place.
Who Should Use Top Tier Gas?

Top Tier gas brands offer the best gas quality, and if you're able to, you should always choose Top Tier gas over non-Top Tier gas. The brand doesn't matter much as long as they are certified by Top Tier. You can view the full list of Top Tier approved gas brands on their website.
You don't have to use Top Tier gas every time you fill up. In fact, even using Top Tier gas every few times can help flush out your engine and keep those pesky carbon deposits at bay.
Become a AAA Member Today
Using the right fuel for your engine is essential for peace of mind around fuel quality, but what about your own safety on the road? If something happens to your engine while you're driving, it's the best feeling knowing that someone will always come out and help you. This is the type of care you'll get when you sign up for a AAA membership.
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