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Many people experience high electric bills in the winter, especially in harsher climates where it may be more difficult to heat your home than cool it. With the holidays and fewer daylight hours, winter makes it easy to rack up your electric bill and energy consumption. Luckily, there are numerous ways to cut your electric bill daily, many of which are easy to implement and can result in big savings over time.

From maintaining your heating system to replacing your light bulbs, energy efficiency is effective for your bills and better for the planet. Check out these energy-saving tips for winter to learn how to keep your electric bill under control.

Eliminate Drafts 

To keep your heating unit from working overtime this winter, start by checking your home for drafts. When there are cracks around your doors and windows, hot air escapes and drives up your electric bill. 

You can use several temporary solutions for drafty windows and doors if you're trying to avoid renovations or you live in a rental. Foam tape is a great solution, as is installing clear plastic film on the inside of your windows. Insulated drapes and door draft stoppers may also help. 

Use Your Fireplace Properly — or Plug It 

Fireplaces are another common cause of heat loss. Using your fireplace correctly can help keep cold air out. Start by closing the flue damper when the fireplace isn't in use, and ensure the seal on the damper is snug. Installing a tempered glass screen could help keep warm air from being vented out of the chimney. If you never use your fireplace, seal it tightly to close off any air leaks. 

Keep Your Heating System in Good Shape 

Giving your heating system a checkup is one of the best ways to save on your electric bill in winter. An inefficient heating system that needs cleaning or a filter replacement could be the primary cause of your energy bill woes. 

Schedule yearly maintenance for your heating system to replace furnace and heat pump filters as needed. If you have a wood-burning furnace, periodically clean the flue of debris. 

Keep Your Air Vents Uncovered 

If anything is covering your air vents, your heating system could be working harder than necessary. Blocked air vents also increase pressure in the ductwork, which could eventually lead to cracks in the ducts. Walk around your house and check for any furniture or drapes blocking the vents. Move obstructions out of the way to keep your home's heater working properly. 

Check on Your Insulation 

Your home's insulation significantly impacts your electric bill during the winter. Although upgrading your insulation is one of the more time-consuming ways to keep your electric bill down in winter, it makes a major difference. Increasing your attic's insulation can retain heat across your home, while further insulating your walls can keep warm air from seeping outside. Check the insulation in these areas and consider having a professional take a look, too. 

Insulate Your Pipes 

Having adequate insulation around your plumbing is critical for retaining heat. As pipes deliver hot water through your home, they can lose a significant amount of energy. Insulating your pipes can help keep your water warmer and reduce the time you spend waiting for it to heat up. Adding insulation can also avoid more extensive problems — if your pipes and plumbing are poorly insulated, they could freeze and burst in the winter. 

Only Do Full Loads of Laundry

Only Do Full Loads of Laundry 

A simple tip to keep electric bills low during winter is only doing full loads of laundry. Small loads require the same amount of hot water and electricity to run the washer and dryer as full loads. Running full loads allows you to do more laundry with less energy.

Set a Timer for Your Holiday Lights 

Holiday lights can use significant amounts of electricity when they're kept on for long periods. Many people forget to turn their lights off, especially when they're plugged in outside. Set all your holiday lights on a timer so they'll automatically turn off after a specified amount of time. 

Unplug Unused Electronics 

Even though you may keep many of your electronics and appliances “off,” they can still use energy. Any devices that sit in standby mode consume electricity while waiting to be used. Unplug unused electronics to prevent them from sucking up electricity. While this is an effective energy savings tip for winter, you can unplug devices and appliances throughout the year.

Use LED Bulbs 

With fewer hours of sunlight during the winter, you may be forced to use the lights in your house more than usual. Replacing your lightbulbs with LEDs could save you over $200 on your electric bill per year. LED bulbs are the most energy-efficient lighting option, using up to 90% less energy.

Put Rugs on Hard Floors 

Hard floors can make your house feel colder, and you may even lose heat through poorly insulated floors and walls. Area rugs can help insulate your floors, helping your house retain some of its heat and acting as an extra layer between your feet and the cold floor.

Take Advantage of Sunlight 

Use those rare sunny winter days to your advantage — when the sun shines in your windows, it can help heat your house. This gives your heating system a bit of a break during the day, and it means you can switch off your lights to save more energy. Remember to close your curtains once it gets dark to help retain the heat and prevent heat loss.

Turn Down Your Thermostat 

While you may want to crank your thermostat up when you're feeling chilly, opt for a cozy sweater and blanket instead. Turning your thermostat down a few degrees during the day and even more at night can help lower your energy consumption. Even lowering your thermostat for a few hours daily can make a difference.

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Tips on Keeping Your Electric Bill Down in Winter
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